
Why I choose “Awareness Branding”

A sofa is the piece of furniture we use the most at home. I often heard that a painting’s colors should match with some of the house objects. At first I felt discouraged and outraged by this thought, until I thought: What if I change the look of the sofa too?

homlless is a small collection of  hand-made sofa throws, reflecting a combination of oriental, african and mediterranean spirited patterns. It’s concept is born out of a belief that awareness for a cause can also be advocated through brands, from this idea comes the name of homlless and the thought of the homeless person’s blanket.

What distinguishes each throw is its unique pattern and the passion behind its birth. One of homless’ purposes is to also contribute to the economy of artisans, owners of small businesses whose work ethics are fair and decent. On the tag of each homlless throw you will find a fact note reminding you that an estimated 100 million people worldwide are homeless.



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